activists and young people from around the globe are preparing to join world
leaders at UN Headquarters in New York to usher in a new era of development.
The new global development goals will be endorsed by UN Member States
at a special Summit on Friday.Veronica Reeves has more.
UN Headquarters will play host to the world's biggest stage on Friday, starting
off with an address by Pope Francis to the General Assembly that morning.
Cristina Gallach, head of Public
Information for the UN said some special guests will also share a poignant
message from a unique vantage point.
taken some astronauts, that have had the privilege to see the planet from afar,
to tell us, how does it look, and what are their feelings. So, a very pertinent
message from outer space."
the audience will be 193 children from countries around the world – one from
each UN Member State. They will be led by the youth activist, Malala – their
presence representing the hopes of the future.
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