Monday, October 19, 2015

After Grade 12, what?

ABU DHABI, -- The "CEPA Challenge" is an application launched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research as a new and interesting way to prepare for the Common Educational Proficiency Assessment Exam, CEPA.

It includes exercises based on the different parts of the exam, such as vocabulary, syntax and grammar, in more than 450 questions. The application includes 150 vocabulary questions through 11 levels, including "Professional" and "Experienced" levels. The grammar practice game allows users to continue answering questions until they lose all their lives, or answer the 200 questions correctly. Students can practice syntax questions through a interesting "Drag and Drop" game which includes 100 unique elements, and the tracker shows the student’s progress.

The Ministry gives students applying for admission to government higher education institutions the opportunity to sit for the CEPA- English Exam two times during an academic year. The first exam will be held on 27th of February 2016 and the second on the 30th of April.

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