Monday, May 30, 2016

We can all use a 'Happiness Meter'

DUBAI - Happiness of Emiratis and expatriates is one of the goals of government, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, said on Saturday.
He said this should be a goal of the private sector and the whole of society, reported state news agency Wam.
Sheikh Mohammed was speaking at a meeting to approve the results of the Happiness Meter, a programme he launched a year ago to monitor customer satisfaction with 28 government departments.
“Achieving welfare and happiness for nationals and expatriates is what drives our national agendas for all sectors," he said.
The survey was conducted with kiosks at 328 locations offering customers three choices to assess their level of satisfaction — a smiling face, a straight face and a sad face.
The survey found that 89 per cent of the two million customers polled were satisfied with the service they received.
Sheikh Mohammed honoured Dubai Customs, which was voted the best government department in terms of customer happiness.
Other departments honoured included the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, Dubai Courts and Dubai Police.
He noted that the Roads and Transport Authority was the department that had the most customer responses.
One result from the survey that is being further analysed is why the respondents were the most content at 10am on Tuesdays.


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